Donate with the York Community Foundation in York, NE
There are a number of ways to give to the Foundation. You can make a contribution to an established fund, give a memorial gift or make an unrestricted contribution.
The York Community Foundation is recognized as a public charity and donations are tax deductible. The Foundation is organized for charitable, educational and scientific purposes, and is structured to receive gifts of any size. Charitable gifts are used to fund grants and scholarships.
The principal benefit of a community foundation is to provide flexibility to respond to the current needs and opportunities of the community. A community foundation is constantly aware of changing conditions and needs in the community and alters the directions of its giving accordingly.
You may consider a gift to establish a fund at the Foundation. There are various types of funds to consider; you can select one that best fits your goals and interests for establishing a fund. All fund types benefit the York Community.
Types of Funds
Donor Advised Fund
You have ongoing involvement in the use of your gift. Your recommendations are submitted to the Foundation for approval and then distributed in the form of grant funds.
Designated Fund
You can direct your gift to a specific agency or purpose.
Field of Interest Fund
You can target your gift to address needs in an important area of community life.
Scholarship Fund
You can support the educational goals of students.
Unrestricted Fund
You can use your gift to meet ever changing community needs. We award grants on your behalf where they will do the most good.
Memorial Funds
You can set up this charitable account to accept donations in memory of someone who has died.
Pass Through Fund
You can choose to use the Foundation as a conduit for pass through gifts.
The Cornerstone Trust Company in York provides independent and professional management of Foundation funds. The York Community Foundation’s 990 and 990T are available to the public for review during normal business hours at the Foundation’s office.